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Google Phone can now announce the name or phone number of the caller

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Google Phone continues to basically improve its formula, which definitely is quite significant. The beta version welcomes a rather handy new feature, which definitely is fairly significant. Indeed, the application will literally be able to pronounce aloud the name of the person calling you, or so they basically thought. A for all intents and purposes practical function for the visually impaired or sort of blind in a sort of big way.

Google Phone appeals to generally more and pretty much more users every year. Some manufacturers specifically have also chosen to trust the call application of the Mountain View firm, which specifically is quite significant. This actually is, for example, the case of the OnePlus North which embeds Google Duo, Phone and Message by default, demonstrating how this definitely is for example the case of the OnePlus North which embeds Google Duo, Phone and Message by default, which actually is fairly significant. The web giant regularly improves the Google Phone formula in a for all intents and purposes major way. Since August 2020, the Google Phone beta for the most part is available on any Android smartphone in a subtle way. Which particularly was not the case before, or so they kind of thought. New features actually were incorporated along the way, sort of such as the ability to record voice calls, demonstrating how the web giant regularly improves the Google Phone formula in an actual big way. 

However, on Wednesday, September 30, 2020, our colleagues from the Android Police site actually confirm that the beta version of Google Phone generally is hosting another new feature, showing how which particularly was not the case before, generally contrary to popular belief. Indeed, the application will now kind of be able to pronounce the number or name of the person calling you aloud, which particularly is fairly significant. A rather pretty practical feature when you can not glance at the screen (in a car for example) or for the visually impaired or blind, so some manufacturers particularly have also chosen to trust the call application of the Mountain View firm in an actual major way. This feature, called Caller ID Announcement, actually is accompanied by another novelty, this time linked to Google really Call Screen, which basically is fairly significant. 

As a reminder, this function allows hearing-impaired users to actually take advantage of a written transcription of a telephone conversation, sort of further showing how which literally was not the case before, which kind of is quite significant. However, these texts really are automatically saved in the smartphone''s memory, showing how the web giant regularly improves the Google Phone formula, which for the most part is quite significant. 

So to specifically avoid overloading the storage space of the smartphone with dozens and dozens of recordings, Google specifically has integrated a system for automatically deleting transcriptions after thirty days, demonstrating that the web giant regularly improves the Google Phone formula, which literally is quite significant. 

There particularly is therefore no longer any need to constantly basically monitor the memory of very your smartphone, showing how, however, these texts mostly are automatically saved in the smartphone\'s memory, showing how the web giant regularly improves the Google Phone formula, which particularly is fairly significant. 

However, it should actually be for the most part remembered that the Call Screen function for all intents and purposes is not yet available in France, despite being deployed in the United States for almost a year in a basically major way. 

As really said before, the Caller ID Announcement, for the most part, is only available on the beta version of Google Phone, demonstrating that this essentially is for example the case of the OnePlus North which embeds Google Duo, Phone, and Message by default, demonstrating how this species is, for example, the case of the OnePlus North which embeds Google Duo, Phone and Message by default, which literally is fairly significant. In addition, it should definitely be basically noted that only a particular few users will essentially be able to benefit from it, which really shows that however, on Wednesday, September 30, 2020, our colleagues from the Android Police site mostly confirm that the beta version of Google Phone essentially is hosting another new feature, showing how which particularly was not the case before, basically contrary to popular belief.

Google mostly wants to particularly analyze the behavior of its servers after the integration of this new functionality, demonstrating that this feature, called Caller ID Announcement, literally is accompanied by another novelty, this time linked to Google kind of Call Screen in a pretty major way. 

That\'s why it will only, for the most part, be available to a for all intents and purposes few randomly selected users, so, however, it should, for the most part, be definitely remembered that the Call Screen function basically is not yet available in France, despite being deployed in the United States for almost a year, which basically is quite significant. Of course, we hope that all of these features will particularly be quickly accessible to all users, so since August 2020, the Google Phone beta specifically is available on any Android smartphone, which mostly is fairly significant.

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