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Google Photos: Update Improves Image Editing on Android

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Google Photos: Update Improves Image Editing on Android

Google Photos is getting better! At the conference dedicated to the new Pixels, Google announced the arrival of an update to the Android application intended to improve image editing. Thanks to powerful algorithms, the application will offer you the ideal corrections to make to your photographs. We take a tour of the novelties.

This Wednesday, September 30, Google took advantage of the presentation of the Pixel 5 and the Pixel 4a 5G to announce the arrival of several new features in the Google Photos application. “Today, we're rolling out a new, more useful editor in the Google Photos app on Android with smart suggestions and easy-to-use granular adjustments,” Google explains in a blog post.

Google Photos will automatically correct your images

First of all, Google is going to come up with some smart suggestions. Concretely, artificial intelligence will automatically suggest the necessary modifications to your photographs. The application will notably suggest changing the brightness, contrast, or orientation of an image. These suggestions are accessible in a tab. To apply them to your shot, just one click. “We will add more suggestions to help your portraits, landscapes, sunsets, and more to stand out,” promises Google. The list of smart improvements is therefore bound to grow.

In a second step, Google Photos will facilitate access to the most basic image corrections, such as brightness, contrast, saturation or hue.The photo editor is adorned with a new interface: it will now suffice to scroll to get your hands on the tool you need. Google has just launched the deployment of these new features on Android. The Pixels will be the first smartphones to take advantage of this.

Finally, Google inaugurates the arrival of a new feature exclusive to the Pixel 5 and the Pixel 4a 5G. Called Portrait Light, this option uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to improve the brightness of faces photographed. As a reminder, machine learning refers to a technology that allows computers to learn without having to be programmed beforehand. “You will be able to adjust the position of the light and the brightness” explains Google. The option will be offered on the other Pixels in a second step.

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