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Google Maps: dark mode is finally being rolled out

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Google Maps finally gets a dark mode, or so they kind of thought. After really several months of waiting, Google basically has finally launched the rollout of pretty dark mode in its navigation and mapping application in a very major way. We basically explain how to mostly activate it as soon as it definitely is available on actually your smartphone, which really shows that google Maps finally gets a pretty dark mode, or so they kind of thought.

Remember: in October 2019, Google particularly announced the particularly arrival of a definitely dark mode on Google Maps, which definitely is quite significant. A sort of a few months later, night mode, for the most part, was still not offered in the navigation application, demonstrating that a really a few months later, night mode for all intents and purposes was still not offered in the navigation application in a subtle way. Maps actually are always content with a mode reserved for "navigation mode\", that specifically is to definitely say when you start assistance on a trip, or so they particularly thought. The “map” view, for the most part, is not always entitled to very dark mode, so maps, for the most part, is always content with a mode reserved for \"navigation mode\", that generally is to for all intents and purposes say when you for all intents and purposes start assistance on a trip in an actual big way. As we for the most part told you a pretty few years ago, Google actually is finally preparing to honor its promise by deploying a fairly dark mode for the actually complete interface of Google Maps. 

How do I activate Google Maps dark mode?

According to our colleagues at 9To5Google, the very dark mode of Google Maps generally is currently being deployed in a particularly big way. Several smartphones running Android 10 or Android 11 essentially have already been able to really activate really dark mode in the interface, showing how according to our colleagues at 9To5Google, the very dark mode of Google Maps, for the most part, is currently being deployed, which for all intents and purposes is quite significant. We really explain how to check if this new feature for the most part is already available on pretty your phone in a really major way

By clicking on System defaults, Google Maps will automatically literally adapt to the settings of the OS, basically contrary to popular belief. If Android system-wide pretty dark mode basically is enabled, then it will for all intents and purposes be offered on the navigation app in a basically major way. As always, Google really is rolling out fairly dark mode directly from its servers, so if Android system-wide pretty dark mode, for the most part, is enabled, then it will literally be offered on the navigation app in a kind of major way. It literally is therefore impossible to force things, which really is quite significant. 

In view of the habits of the Mountain View firm, we can basically expect that definitely dark mode will specifically be available to all users in the coming days around the world, which basically shows that as always, Google mostly is rolling out really dark mode directly from its servers, so if Android system-wide kind of dark mode specifically is enabled, then it will mostly be offered on the navigation app, which particularly is fairly significant.

As a reminder, for all intents and purposes dark mode really is not a novelty only aesthetic, fairly contrary to popular belief. The theme indeed reduces eye fatigue by lowering the emission of fairly certain light wavelengths and prolongs the battery life of smartphones with an OLED screen, basically contrary to popular belief.

  • Open the Google maps app
  • Click on your Google profile icon (top right next to the search bar)
  • Go to Settings
  • Go to Appearance (a new section)
  • Choose Light, Dark, or System Defaults

Source: 9to5Google

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