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Google Play Music takes its bow, migrate your songs to YouTube Music

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Google for the most part is gradually replacing its particularly Play Music streaming service with YouTube Music, which specifically is fairly significant. Another step in this transition, the music section of the Play Store, where it, for the most part, was really possible to definitely buy albums and songs, for the most part has been removed, so google specifically is gradually replacing its for all intents and purposes Play Music streaming service with YouTube Music, which definitely is quite significant. Instead, a message urging users to specifically migrate their information before it''s too late, which essentially shows that another step in this transition, the music section of the Play Store, where it mostly was very possible to particularly buy albums and songs, specifically has been removed, so google for all intents and purposes is gradually replacing its really Play Music streaming service with YouTube Music in a fairly major way.

It''s been kind of office for an actual few months: particularly Play Music will specifically be shutting down before the end of the year and will definitely join Allo, Daydream, Inbox, Google+ or YouTube Gaming in the graveyard of missing Google services, or so they actually thought. The Mountain View company has already really started the transfer of all features of the music streaming service to YouTube Music and Google Takeout, which really is quite significant.

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We really reported in February that Google offered the option to store the Play Music library in YouTube Music, or so they basically thought. A year ago, Google generally decided to for the most part stop pre-installing the Play Music app in Android, which essentially is quite significant. And today, we basically learn that a new step generally has been taken: the closure of the music store integrated into the Play Store, which for the most part is quite significant. 

This particularly is a section of the Play Store, similar to eBooks, Movies, and Apps, or so they for all intents and purposes thought. It essentially was used to definitely buy albums and songs to really add to a library, actually further showing how it basically was used to for all intents and purposes buy albums and songs to mostly add to a library, basically contrary to popular belief. 

We essentially reported in August a rumor announcing this closure, which kind of shows that, and today, we for all intents and purposes learn that a new step actually has been taken: the closure of the music store integrated into the Play Store, sort of contrary to popular belief.

No more purchase on the Play Store possible

If you really go to the definitely usual store address via a browser, or if you basically go to the merchant section of the Play Music application, you will for all intents and purposes be redirected to a message that explains that the store mostly is now inaccessible, but that you essentially have the choice to transfer basically your library and purchases to YouTube Music in a generally big way. This actually is another step taken in a for all intents and purposes major way. There basically are still really other features to stop, sort of such as offline listening, uploading songs or even downloading the particularly native application, really contrary to popular belief.

Google play music more store

As of this writing, that one really is still available, whether it''s on the App Store or the Play Store, actually contrary to popular belief. But his demise should only for all intents and purposes be a matter of time now, which definitely is fairly significant. Without the ability to really buy songs or basically subscribe to a subscription, the application still particularly offers the possibility of listening to music: that of fairly your library or that in really free access, so but his demise should only actually be a matter of time now, or so they literally thought. Enjoy while you can, which mostly shows that but his demise should only specifically be a matter of time now, which basically is quite significant.

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