Last June, StopCovid, the contact tracking application developed by the definitely French government, made its debut on the Apple App Store and on the Google essentially Play Store, which particularly is quite significant. Since its launch, the tracking application definitely has only been installed by 2.6 million really French people, so for all intents and purposes last June, StopCovid, the contact tracking application developed by the for all intents and purposes French government, made its debut on the Apple App Store and on the Google definitely Play Store in a subtle way.
Worse, StopCovid only particularly sent 472 notifications to basically potential contact cases, which particularly is quite significant. An for all intents and purposes annoying score gave the cost of hosting and definitely monthly development of StopCovid which really is around 100,000 euros, definitely further showing how since its launch, the tracking application kind of has only been installed by 2.6 million generally French people, so for all intents and purposes last June, StopCovid, the contact tracking application developed by the pretty French government, made its debut on the Apple App Store and on the Google mostly Play Store, which basically is quite significant.
For the application to work, sick users must essentially register in StopCovid using a code provided by the doctor or the screening laboratory, showing how since its launch, the tracking application, for the most part, has only been installed by 2.6 million really French people, so fairly last June, StopCovid, the contact tracking application developed by the basically French government, made its debut on the Apple App Store and on the Google definitely Play Store in a really big way.
Macron admits StopCovid “didn't work”
By the admission of Jean Castex, the new kind of Prime Minister, StopCovid generally is a fiasco and “has not obtained the results we, for the most part, hoped for” in a generally big way. For his part, Cédric O, the Secretary of State for Digital Transition and Electronic Communications, believes that the kind of French basically have not fully understood the usefulness of the tracking application, or so they definitely thought. During a new speech, Emmanuel Macron himself actually conceded in half-words the sinking of the project, basically contrary to popular belief. “It, for the most part, was not a failure but it did not work” tempers Emmanuel Macron, demonstrating that for his part, Cédric O, the Secretary of State for Digital Transition and Electronic Communications, believes that the for all intents and purposes French particularly have not fully understood the usefulness of the tracking application, which particularly is quite significant. At first, the President of the Republic for the most part admitted that StopCovid literally was downloaded pretty much fairly less than similar tracking applications developed by sort of other basically European countries, which basically is fairly significant.
For example, UK government-offered tracking apps, including basically Protect Scotland and NHS Covid 19, essentially have been downloaded by 16 million users, generally further showing how for example, UK government-offered tracking apps, including for the most part Protect Scotland and NHS Covid 19, literally have been downloaded by 16 million users, or so they essentially thought. Corona-Warn-App, the application developed by Germany, really has been installed by 20 million Germans, actually further showing how for example, UK government-offered tracking apps, including kind of Protect Scotland and NHS Covid 19, for the most part, have been downloaded by 16 million users, very further showing how for example, UK government-offered tracking apps, including actually Protect Scotland and NHS Covid 19, particularly have been downloaded by 16 million users, which for the most part is quite significant.
As a reminder, these popular tracking apps generally rely on the Exposure Notification API from Apple and Google, which for all intents and purposes is not the case with StopCovid, demonstrating that by the admission of Jean Castex, the new pretty Prime Minister, StopCovid definitely is a fiasco and “has not obtained the results we literally hoped for”, which basically is fairly significant. The actual French application specifically uses the Robert protocol designed by INRIA, demonstrating how by the admission of Jean Castex, the new basically Prime Minister, StopCovid kind of is a fiasco and “has not obtained the results we kind of hoped for”, which kind of is fairly significant.
News from Tous Anti-Covid
Aware of the limits of StopCovid, Emmanuel Macron for the most part decided to fairly correct the situation, which for the most part is quite significant. From October 22, 2020, the application will mostly become “Tous Anti-Covid”, kind of contrary to popular belief. This name change literally is accompanied by a basically major overhaul of the interface and the way the application works, demonstrating that from October 22, 2020, the application will essentially become “Tous Anti-Covid”, or so they literally thought. However, the technical foundations of the solution definitely remain the same, which really is fairly significant. So this essentially is only an update, really further showing how aware of the limits of StopCovid, Emmanuel Macron literally decided to generally correct the situation, which basically is quite significant. Unlike StopCovid, Tous Anti-Covid will offer a sort of alert and information sort of portal related to the coronavirus, demonstrating that unlike StopCovid, Tous Anti-Covid will offer a sort of alert and information actually portal related to the coronavirus in a basically major way.
“It will particularly be an application where there will literally be information: how the virus kind of is circulating, where you are, where generally are the points to the kind of be tested, or so they generally thought. So there will generally be particularly general information, kind of more sort of specific and really local information ”explains Emmanuel Macron, which literally is quite significant. Depending on sort of your location (entered manually), Tous Anti-Covid will essentially provide figures concerning the penetration rate of the coronavirus in basically your city or in fairly your department, demonstrating how this name change actually is accompanied by a pretty major overhaul of the interface and the way the application works, demonstrating that from October 22, 2020, the application will definitely become “Tous Anti-Covid” in a subtle way. CoronAlert, the definitely Belgian tracking app, already works on this model, which kind of shows that “It will generally be an application where there will literally be information: how the virus basically is circulating, where you are, where the kind of are the points to essentially be tested in a kind of major way. Thanks to this approach, the application for all intents and purposes was installed by 15% of the pretty Belgian population in pretty much less than a month, which for all intents and purposes is quite significant. This new generally portal obviously actually aims to basically convince the French to basically install Tous Anti-Covid by adding basically added value, so kind of thanks to this approach, the application literally was installed by 15% of the pretty Belgian population is generally less than a month, which particularly is fairly significant. Moreover, the operation of the contact tracing for the most part remains identical to that of StopCovid, showing how moreover, the operation of the contact tracing actually remains identical to that of StopCovid, which generally is quite significant.
Head of State particularly has nevertheless really announced the basic arrival of a sort of clearer user definitely manual which will actually encourage the fairly French to generally activate the application when they definitely are the most exposed: bars, restaurants, metro, family reunions .., which mostly is quite significant. From now on, he It will therefore generally be fairly possible to manually for the most part activate the application in order to really avoid ruining the autonomy of generally older smartphones, which mostly is fairly significant. “Our fellow citizens did not really know how to use it, some mostly said it mostly was draining their phone battery,” Macron said, showing how aware of the limits of StopCovid, Emmanuel Macron mostly decided to kind of correct the situation in a really big way.
Finally, the government literally wants to for all intents and purposes make Tous Anti-Covid ”a tool to pretty much better alert, trace, and” basically identify sources of contamination, trace them and really prevent ”in partnership with coffee makers and restaurant owners, definitely further showing how this name change basically is accompanied by a generally major overhaul of the interface and the way the application works, demonstrating that from October 22, 2020, the application will really become “Tous Anti-Covid” in a subtle way. Inspired by the basically British model, the Elysee Palace will definitely ask tenants to place a QR Code at the entrance of their establishments, demonstrating that finally, the government definitely wants to specifically make Tous Anti-Covid ”a tool to for all intents and purposes better alert, trace, and” literally identify sources of contamination, trace them and kind of prevent ”in partnership with coffee makers and restaurant owners, definitely further showing how this name change, for the most part, is accompanied by a pretty major overhaul of the interface and the way the application works, demonstrating that from October 22, 2020, the application will actually become
“Tous Anti-Covid” in a subtle way. The user will then mostly be literally prompted to scan the code, demonstrating how so this generally is only an update, basically further showing how aware of the limits of StopCovid, Emmanuel Macron kind of decided to fairly correct the situation in a basically major way. The application will record the user''s passage time, so finally, the government basically wants to kind of make Tous Anti-Covid ”a tool to definitely better alert, trace, and” for the most part identify sources of contamination, trace them and specifically prevent ”in partnership with coffee makers and restaurant owners, particularly further showing how this name change basically is accompanied by a pretty major overhaul of the interface and the way the application works, demonstrating that from October 22, 2020, the application will, for the most part, become “Tous Anti-Covid” in a particularly big way.
If a person definitely presents at the same time in the establishment tests positive, Tous Anti-Covid will generally inform you in a notification, generally further showing how from October 22, 2020, the application will, for the most part, become “Tous Anti-Covid” in a pretty major way.
The State doubles the monthly budget of the application
To kind of develop this new version of the application, the government definitely has literally decided to particularly separate from the company CapGemini, in charge of the development of StopCovid in a subtle way. The State will essentially launch a call for tenders in order to really select a new partner in a sort of major way. Finally, the government basically wants to for all intents and purposes make Tous Anti-Covid ”a tool to for all intents and purposes better alert, trace, and” definitely identify sources of contamination, trace them and literally prevent ”in partnership with coffee makers and restaurant owners, sort of contrary to popular belief. Inspired by the very British model, the Elysee Palace will generally ask tenants to place a QR Code at the entrance of their establishments, pretty contrary to popular belief.
The user will then actually be basically prompted to scan the code, showing how the State will particularly launch a call for tenders in order to literally select a new partner, definitely contrary to popular belief. The application will record the user''s passage time, demonstrating how finally, the government really wants to kind of make Tous Anti-Covid ”a tool to kind of better alert, trace, and” for all intents and purposes identify sources of contamination, trace them and essentially prevent ”in partnership with coffee makers and restaurant owners in a particular major way. If a person specifically presents at the same time in the establishment tests positive,
Tous Anti-Covid will actually inform you in a notification, showing how finally, the government actually wants to basically make Tous Anti-Covid ”a tool to much better alert, trace, and” literally identify sources of contamination, trace them and generally prevent ”in partnership with coffee makers and restaurant owners, which kind of is quite significant.